Request Your Song also allows you to request a song that you want the lyrics as well chords so that you can play the song on your guitar. Especially the new and the latest song takes time to get the lyrics and chords being uploaded on the site.
So with our Request Song feature, you can request your song or demand it for the chords and lyrics. And well put much more focus on your request rather than the other Post so that you request can be responded as soon as possible.
All you need is to fill in your name, email address and the complete description of the song you request which should include

  • Song name
  • Name of the Movie if the song is from the movie
  • Name of the singer or artist
  • Name of the album

Once you submit the request we’ll review your request and start working on it. The reason we asked for your email is we can directly notify you after your request has been upload on our site and if demand we can provide the Lyrics and Chords that you have demand on your mail in the document format too so that you can easily print your copy.

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