Ashish Rana AKA Laure Biography

By Raaz Theeng

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Ashish Rana AKA Laure Biography


Ashish Rana born on June 25, 1989 is an Nepalese rapper, actor and also Judge of Himalaya Roadies popularly known as “Laure“. He presented his rapping via a rap battle on YouTube which gained him popularity. He was the most searched for Nepalese celebrity on Google in the year 2013. Ashis Rana used to rap from the childhood in major festival events like Tihar as he was the lead man in his crew and was very efficient in using word rhymes.


When Ashish Rana was in grade 6, he identified himself as rapper. He had all friends from Army family and they used to go various countries in vacations but he used to play local games. When his friends used to return after vacation one of them gifted him one Music cd. Since his friends were naughty, he thought there were hilarious items and since he had only desktop computer in living room. Laure was so afraid to open that cd in home. Generating courage, he was able to open that CD. After inserting in CD drive but unluckily he saw inappropriate scene. which he then immediately closed that and threatened his friend in school for misleading. Then his friend said to watch out properly since it was rap CD. Then he found his idol Slim Shady and continuously listened that song till 3 weeks.


Gradually Ashish started to research more about Rap. Since he was introvert character he used to come forward. After he completing SLC, he used to spend most of his time watching various rap battles in cyber paying Rs. 25 per hour. After watching various rap sites, he found one site  called“”. He kept his name “White Shadow” at that moment. There used to be lots of text rap battles with rappers of Kathmandu but since rap wasn’t so much popular those days, there were few rappers in Pokhara. Laure started to contact with underground rappers of Kathmandu. Victory and Loss was equal in those battles and that moment Laure lost the battle & he couldn’t sleep whole night being worried about how can he be victorious.

Rapid changes came in his carrier after completing his +2 level when he decided to become British Army keeping his passion aside. His surroundings were all over in army. Being serious in army career, reaching in the final stage but rejected after being in final round Laure was in frustration. Even though he joined BBA in Pokhara University. He used to lie in home saying he is regular attending in college. But after his parents knew about it after getting call from principle of college his father left him in college. Eventually his name “Laure” was deprived after one of his friend regularly used to renounce him as “Laure”. But due to the frustration of being out from British Army he was quite aggressive in his initial stage of this name.

Musical Journey

Ashish Rana’s first official journey started when he recorded a song “Solta” with his friends and uploaded it in Youtube but since the quality was bad he couldn’t get as much expected. From the suggestion of his neighbour’s big brother, he went to record his song officially in recording studio. But after lots and lots of try he was finally able to record the song. Afterwards he got the chance to present his talent in local concert in “Nayabazar,Pokhara“. But he presented his song in 3 pm in the mass of 15-20 people being unsatisfied. Being impressed with his singing style and presentation chairman of that organizer decided to make Laure appear in the final round of that concert. But at the meantime Police appeared to stop the concert since it was already late night. In the request of chairman, Laure sang that particular song and everyone was happy with that song. Then he never had to look back. He got offer to perform in national and international concerts. And everyone knows him as “Laure”.

Finally Ashish gained the world wide popularity form the Nephop Rap-battle season 1. Winning his first rap battle with Easy 12 he got chance to face the main event with UnikPoet. And there too he won the battle. The videos are still hot in the Youtube. You can checkout anytime. Today Ashish Rana is a world known celebrity and he is also the judge of Nepal’s 1st adventures show “Roadies”.

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